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Jesus said in the great commission to go and make disciples unto all nations, and i just want to go live out what he said. I have always felt called to missions and have always had a heart for them. There are several reasons why I am going on World Race. I love helping others in need, and going on world race just seem like a perfect place for me to help others that are in need. I love traveling, and if i can travel and spread the Gospel of Christ it is just an awesome mixture because than I can love what I am doing. I love visiting and getting to experience other cultures and people groups, and just seeing how they live and dress just amuses me. Growing up I have been a pretty independent person and i know there are some good things and bad things to that. I keep realizing, through this journey, of how much i need to be fully relying on God and I cant do this on my own. I believe that going on world race will not only help me rely on the Father more but that it will also strengthen my Faith. I am really excited to see what the Lord is going to do and show us on our trip.