Hey guys, the Lord has been doing so much here in Nicaragua that I would love to expound on. Where do I start?
We are located in Granada, Nicaragua at a ministry base called reap Granada. One of the main purposes of this base is to disciple people. Our ministry host Scott is one of the best, he walks with so much humility and so much wisdom and loves to pour into our entire squad. He really has a focus for us to know what it means to experience the love of God and to grow deeper in it. For example, we are told to wake up every morning at five and then from 5 to 7 we have personal Devos with the Lord! Praise God!! This is such a fulfilling time just to allow the Lord to speak to us before we go out and pour out our cup that he has already filled. And then, during our time here, Scott has suggested that we do a couple of fasts throughout. Scott is just a really cool guy and loves watching others find the face of Jesus and keeping their gaze upon him.
So our ministry looks different day today. We Usually differ between three or four different ministries every day. We will go prayer walking and do a lot of house visits with the locals and just encourage them and sometimes share the gospel with them. Sometimes we will work on the farm where we are located. The farm is a fruit farm so sometimes we will be weeding or just taking care of trees and even praying for the trees that they would have much fruit. There’s a lot of witchcraft that goes towards the farm and in the past they have seen trees started to die off, but when you pray the Lord comes and sustain the trees and produces much fruit. Another ministry we do we go to the hospital in the afternoon afternoon sometimes, where we just go in and bring hope and bring the light of Jesus to people who are dying or ready to go into surgery or recovering from surgery. Another ministry we do is dump ministry. It is where we go to the local dump and pre-gospel two people who live in the dump. These people live in the dump and route through trash to try to find something they can sell the next day locally. It is the most poverty I have ever seen. Even through that poverty, this one guy was so so filled with joy because he found a gutted chicken, and he loves chicken feet so it was like gold to him. To watch the joy on his face as he found that chicken and how content he was with such a simple thing convicted me of all of what I have and yet I still want more sometimes. And sometimes we go to a micro Church that reap has set up And just go to encourage the believers.
Yeah, that’s a little bit about the ministry We are doing.
That is our ministry. The Lord has not necessarily called me to that ministry and specific. He has been putting it on my very first ministry that he called me to the squad that we are leading. They really are my first ministry. The Lord has so graciously chosen me And trusted me to poor into these people day in and day out. It has been such an honor to watch them grow and wash them go through hard things but always point back to the father. I’m going to have three pictures on the bottom, if I remember by the end of this, one is going to be of my team I am leading, one is going to be the squad and one is going to be our leadership team.
The Lord has really been placing on our hearts recently of how to lead out of a place of love and not out of law. How to invite the Squad to see his face and let the Lord show revelation to them rather than us putting the pressure on ourselves and trying to “fix” everything. If you’ve read my blogs before you know that I’m kind of all over the place so I just write whatever comes to mind.
One of the way the Lord has been connecting me a lot to him is through nature. Through the birds, the sunrises the sunsets Just so beautiful and that each and everyone is so different. I find myself almost every evening, if it’s not raining, just watching the sunset because they are so beautiful here. It’s also such a great way that we get to worship the Lord is just see the all and wonder of his creation. This little update about my life, things have been busy, so I’m not promising as many blogs as last year, but I will still try to reach out every now and then.
Thank you guys for your Prayer, and if you would like Price specifics for me just pray that the Lord would continue to lead me out of a place of love and that wouldn’t lead out of a place of law and that we would point everything back to the Lord. I would come alongside my boys that I am discipline and help lead them to the face of Jesus, but that Jesus would ultimately change them and there’s nothing I can do to change them.
Also, I am 45% fund raised and if you guys would like to help out with my financial support for the next nine months that would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link again adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/2024-world-race-gap-year-24g0902-leader/participants/dougsto
If any of you guys would like to contact me or call me And get to know a little more about what I’m doing. I would love to talk to you guys, you have to use WhatsApp and my number is the same.
Below or some Pictures of what our adventure days have looked like and everything else.

Thank you for your blog. I have really been thinking about you and wondering how it’s going!
Keep going strong and simply Trust God! He will bless and guide you!
Pr*ying for you and your team! I love hearing about Nicaragua… and more specifically about your heart for the men you’re leading. Pr*ying also for you as you raise support to cover your whole 9-months! We love ya, Doug!
So great to hear from you and get an update on your team and yourself
We will continue to pray for your time on the field and your growth in the father!!
Much love
Stephen and Teri Jernigan