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Hey Friends, I just figured I would give a little update.

As some of you might know, I have committed to another 9 month journey, but the difference this time is that I will be helping to lead a team. A little background of how this came about, One year ago, the Lord gave me a brain about me leading a team. For the longest time I rejected the idea and really did not want to. But recently, as in 3-4 weeks ago, when I was down in Georgia for serve team, I was introduced to the idea of squad leading. Once again I rejected the idea. During the next week and half the Lord slowly changed my heart towards leading and eventually got me excited for it. To say the least it is pretty obvious that this is where the Lord is calling and I can’t wait to find a deeper level of trust and intimacy with him.

Just a sidenote, the countries we will be going to our Nicaragua, India, Nepal, and Switzerland, so if you would like to pray for those countries as we prepare our hearts for them, that would be appreciated.

I would really appreciate your prayers again as this new season starts for me and that the Lord would teach me how to lead well and lead me into deeper intimacy with him

Also if you would like to support me financially, I would really appreciate that as well, here is a link to that page.

Thank you all for your prayers, Doug

Also currently taxing on the runway from Atlanta to Miami, than we will fly to Nicaragua.

Also if you would like to get a hold of me, use WhatsApp or, as I will not be able to use my regular phone number


5 responses to “Back on the field”

  1. Wow, great news!!! We know that you will be an AWESOME leader as we saw you grow as a leader on your race. We will be praying for you!!! Reach out any anytime for a 1on1 if you’d like, we would li w to hear from you!!! Love you brother!!!

  2. May God bless you with peace, wisdom and Spiritual Guidance as you serve Him by serving/ministering to those you come in contact with. Much love and prayers for you! 🙏❤️🙏

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