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Last and final blog. Before i get started, I just want to express my gratitude to you guys who have followed along in my journey/life in the past 8-9 months. I also want to thank you from my heart for all your prayers towards me and my team. Thank you.


I dont remember what happened to much each, i kind of forget. So I’ll say what i remember.  On Friday, we had impact outreach in the morning. During this morning, I got to explain to this guy who Jesus was. It was such a fruitful conversation and at the end he gave his life to the Lord!!! Afterwards we met up with this group of guys who were playing card games, we talked with them a little before we had to leave. But one of those guys i talked to told us that if we went to much further into the slums, we would get beat or even killed for telling the people that we loved Jesus. When i hear something like this, it kind of kickstarts something in me and makes me want to go to those people. I want to go to them because they are the people that are the most lost. In the afternoon we had our last VBS with the kids. That weekend i didnt do anything much. I was around the house mostly and playing games with friends.

During the start of the week we started to do Impact student. This is where we would go to public schools and teach about a 30 minute class and teach the kids about a certain topic and then point it all back to Jesus. It was so much fun to interact and lets the kids ask questions.


Today was amazing, we went to the schools and this time we got to talk to the kids and teach we would start with an introduction and example of the lesson that we were teaching. Today John got up for the intro and he explained how when three people removed from the class the classes in hole that’s what the enemy tries to do with us I can’t really explain it in words. Jackson would then get up and give the topic, which was plans of the enemy and he would just explain some of the plans of the enemy and how to defend them and then Nick would get up and give a little testimony about his life and then I would end in prayer and just asking them questions and letting them ask us questions. We did this in three classes for about 30 minutes each the first class was kind of chaotic, but they still understood somewhat. The second class, was a lot better, and you could feel the presence of the Lord about halfway through in that classroom. The third classroom was the best as soon as we walked into the classroom, you could feel that the presence of the Lord was already in there and was working on them, when we were teaching and praying they were all paying attention and asking good questions When it was my turn to get up, I asked him if there was anything that the enemy was attacking them with and some of them said yes and just said out loud what it was and we got to pray over them, by the way, these are eighth and ninth graders. So it was really fulfilling and so much fun just a poor into these kids and pray over them even though it was a public school we got to pour the love of Jesus over them. After that classroom we were outside just waiting for the other group to be done with their classrooms and this guy comes up and he goes. I need prayer and he just explained his situation that he had night paralysis where he would wake up and wouldn’t be able to move. He said he felt like something was pushing down on his chest, making him unable to move. Then he also said he would wake up, just terrified, so we prayed deliverance over him, and he got delivered from so many spirits and demons today it was crazy, he told us that when we prayed over him and the demons he seen them run away, because the power and presence of God is too holy for them to be around. And you could just tell afterword that when he got delivered, he was just so much more happy and he felt so much lighter and the peace of the Holy Spirit just filled him up.


The story I’m about to tell started last week, Sam and Jackson went to this one school and were talking to this one 5th grader, Rotakala. He was telling them about when he prays a voice tells him not to. So this week we go to this one school, and the first class we walk into, Banks gets up and the kids ask him questions about Jesus, so he explains and we just pray over the entire class. While we were praying the Holy Spirits presence was so full, some kids were on their face weeping. After that we went to another class. As soon as we walk in Jackson told me that he was in this class the week before. I didnt know what happened the week before so I didnt know why it was so significant. After the class was over Jackson came up and told me that he was talking with Rotakala again. He told me about the voice and Rotakala opened up even more to Jackson today, he started talking about his home life. He told Jackson that he lives with his grandparents because his parents dont want to see him. His dad would tell him that he gonna see him the next day, then never show up. On top of that, his grandpa would beat and hurt him, so he really has a sad home life. I asked Jackson if he would want to go and deliver him from the voice and bring him freedom, he agreed. So were went searching for him and found Rotakala. We explained to him that Jesus wants to bring him freedom from the enemy and the voice. He agreed so we told him how it would go. We prayed and through the Holy Spirit, we delivered the demon out of him. I asked him how he felt, he told us that he felt something go but also something come, The Holy Spirit. After that other kids wanted us to pray for them as well so we just started praying for a lot of individual kids. Than me and Jackson seen Rotakala sitting all by himself again so we knew we both had to pour truth and love over him. So we sat and talked to him for about 2-3 minutes before we had to leave. When i was spoke over him, I felt led to speak over God being a perfect father and that he loves him so much and he will never leave him nor forsake him. While i was saying this he couldn’t believe it and kept shaking his head, no. So me and Jackson prayed that the Lord would speak to him. Than we left to another class. After that class we had to go but we seen Rotakala sitting along in a grass field. So Sam and Jackson went over and talked to him and he told them that he was sitting alone for peace. He said in between the time that me and Jackson had talked to him and now he fell asleep and the Lord showed up in his dream and told him that He will never leave him nor forsake him.


Today we Just spent the time at baby homes. Baby homes are places where people don’t want their baby and instead of putting the baby on the street they bring it to impact and then they are raised in the baby homes till about two when they are usually adopted.Baby homes are places where people don’t want their baby and instead of putting the baby on the street they bring it to impact and then they are raised in the baby homes till about two when they are usually adopted. It was so much fun because we got to play And hold babies and feed them, and it was just a really relaxing day.and hold babies and feed them, and it was just a really relaxing day


this, there was a lot of fun it was just really busy, we did four different ministry things. We started off the day by going to school early in the morning and having a devotional with them, then we went and did community outreach and we’re just talking to a whole bunch of people. People got healed and saved, and just the Lord was glorified through it, we then went to another school and had a small VBS with first and second graders. Then after that we did classroom ministry again where we could go into the classrooms and teach.


Friday was one of the best days I’ve had at ministry. The entire day we were doing community outreach on a Friday which meant more people were in the streets and just hanging out. The first guy I got to talk to, we talked for a long time. in the very beginning of the conversation it was really hard to talk to him because he just wanted to text one of his friends or he was just on his phone. This guy was about 40 years old and you could tell that he was hurt by the church before. He kept telling me that the reason he doesn’t believe in Jesus and because there’s so many people that say stuff that comes from the Bible and then they don’t believe it, and act out of it themselves. So I went to pull some scriptures out at some point, and he didn’t even want me to bring the Bible out. While I was talking to him. There was some things I would say I just felt the Holy Spirit just come over me when I would say them. The one I remember that started to open up his heart was when I asked him if he had any kids. He told me that he had three at his face kind a lit up. I asked him if he loves them and he said yes. Then I asked him why he love them, he said because they are mine. I asked him if he had ever did anything to deserve his love, he said no. Then I told him the way you look at your children is the same way that God looks at you, we can never do anything to deserve his love, but he will continue to pour his love out on us because we are his children, and he wants a relationship with us, that just kind of open his heart a lot more and he was willing to receive so much more. Romans 24 says, in the end of the verse, not knowing that God kindness is meant to lead you to repentance. When I was talking to him, I just felt the love of the lord and the lords kindness just come over me, and just go to him. And I truly believe that because of the Holy Spirit doing that work among me, that he was led to repentance later in the conversation. The next guy I talk to was a lot more open and wanted to just receive everything that he could, he was taking everything in. He eventually became a believer as well. It was so cool to have these two guys in the morning one, I had to break through a wall a little bit, but the other was just is so inviting. In the afternoon we went down to wear. Some guys were playing some card games. I assume my friends were playing with some of the guys I just went around and started talking to people around there. Nothing was going to well and everybody just kind a didn’t want to talk about Jesus. So I seen these three guys about 30 feet away just watching these guys play games and I went up to them and introduce myself and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was going around, making new friends and telling people about Jesus. As soon as I said that one of the guys looked at me and he said tell me something about the Bible that I don’t know. So I just went through the whole gospel with him and he knew a lot about the Bible. But I got to just tell him how the Israelites sacrificed sheep, and then Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and just so on and so on. He was a believer already, and was hearing from the Lord and had a relationship with the Lord. But he told me that he stopped praying about a month ago and he hasn’t been as happy. He didn’t really expound on this yet, so I kept telling him about the power of the Holy Spirit, we talked about demons, we talked about angels we really covered so much , in such a little time. Then I told him the story of Rotakala and how he had heard a voice, and was so disturbed by it, and was having bad dreams. I explained the whole entire story to him, and really emphasize that because he has a power of the Holy Spirit, that he was able to do those things as well. At the end of the story, he looked me in the eyes, and he said you just explained exactly what is going on in my life. He told me that he heard a voice whenever he would pray that said that he did not need to, so he didn’t and that is why he did not have as much joy. I then asked him if he would like to be free from it like the boy was. 100% yes, he said. So I explain to him a little about what deliverances and I told him that I’m going to go get one of my friends to cover us in prayer as we do this, so I got Nick to come and just pray with us and we went to one of his friends house, because he didn’t wanna be out on the streets and maybe throw up if the demon made him. So we just pray deliverance out for him one time and we asked him if they had left he said he’s not sure so he said try again. He was such a blessing in himself because you could just tell that he wanted so much freedom with a thing that he didn’t know was there until I told him it was there and he wanted it gone right away. He has so much faith as well. So we prayed over him a second time and after we had prayed and delivered him, I asked him again. Did you feel something leave you and he was like yes it is gone he felt it left him and so I told him that we are just going to do baptism of the Holy Spirit. I asked him if he knew who John the Baptist was and he didn’t know so I explained to him that John told the people that were following him I baptize you with water but the one who is coming will baptize you with a Spirit and that is what I would like to do over you. And he looked at me and Nick and he was like 100% if it’s about God and this just made me so happy because he just wanted to be filled up so much with the Holy Spirit and he just wanted a prayer life again. After we pray baptism of the Holy Spirit over him, his face was just so happy, and he told me that he just felt the spirit literally moved with inside of him, and that he just felt so filled up, and that he was excited to have a relationship with Jesus again. After this, we went down to where one of the woman from last week had got healed. She seen us and she was like hey come over here, last week, you prayed for me, and I got healed and I would like for you to pray for my friend here because she is sick as well. So me and Nick got to pray over this other woman, and she got healed as well, and the sickness left her and at the end it was so awesome because we were all just thanking the Lord and everybody around us knew him.

Yeah, so this was my favorite day of ministry and it was just an awesome time to be with a Impact Africa.

I just want to talk about a couple of the key things that I have learned over the past nine months. First, the Lord has taught me so much of what it means to be a son of not only a king, but a perfect father. He has brought me through so many identity things that I did not have my mind set right. He has changed my look on him and his love for me. Second, I knew from day one that he was going to lead me through a lot more patience. So my patience is not perfect. He has been working on it so much and it’s just fun to be able to experience that with someone who is patient with me. The Lord has really built my faith, especially in this last country of the power of his Holy Spirit, and the power of his name, Jesus. He has shown me what it looks like to look through the eyes of the father, and not through my own fleshly eyes. He has show me the hurt that he has for the lost people, the people who do not have a relationship with Jesus, and who do not hear from him as much as they talk to him. Thirdly, he has showed me so much of the power of prayer and fasting And how he delights and loves just to spend time with us.

The next three weeks.

So the next three weeks, we are mostly going to be in Georgia. On Tuesday, we are flying to Atlanta and then the following week. We are going to be working with young life. What that consists of I really do not know, I don’t know what young life does exactly, but I know it is going to be good. It really is more for a transition from on the field to back home so it’s not like a culture shock for when we get home then the following week after that, we are going to be at the base in Georgia and just have a really relaxed time and debrief with each other for the last couple days. Then on May 23 we are all flying/driving to our homes!!! This is what the plan is for the next three weeks and then I will be home!

As I said before, I really do appreciate your prayers, over the past nine months. There have been many ups and downs, and I could feel the power of you guises prayers through so much of it. The Lord has always been there, and I know he always will. All praise to Jesus, for partnering with me and my team on this nine month journey with him. Thank you, Jesus.